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  • Last updated:2023-06-15
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Functions of Assistance and Guidance Section 

Assistance and Guidance Section has one chief to manage and command related businesses of this Section, three counselors, three psychologists, and three social workers to conduct related businesses of this Section.

The counselor’s duties:

Concretize the execution of rehabilitation treatment courses to guide right concept of people receiving rehabilitation treatment.

Make the Treatment Teacher’s Qualification Evaluation System sound to be the standard for whether continues to appoint or not.

Display the function of disciplinary team to actually examine the performance evaluation of every rehabilitation treatment.

Introduce social volunteers and after-care group to develop the most localized treatment courses.

Take advantage of religious group participating the drug abstention well and incline to the small-class teaching for drug abstention guidance program; by means of religious power and mutual admonishment among inmates, change the drug addiction and deviated thinking in order to build correct view of life.

Strengthen vocational training and promotion of literature and art; properly adjust body and mind and release negative mood in order to change the motive of rehabilitation and sense of responsibility.

Duties of counselors:

Teaching counselor—in charge of being the convener of Disciplinary Team, manage the situation of a conducted class in every area, and promote various programs, moreover, get through psychologists of teaching areas, social workers’ professional counseling cases and the demand of treatment courses; conduct the review of treatment performance and promotion for rehabilitation treatment in each term, and submit the information of stopping rehabilitation penalty and support to purchase insufficient teaching equipment.

Counselor for treatment teachers and program courses—in charge of appointing professional teachers for treatment of each term, religious teachers and social source groups of each program, arrange the course schedule of treatment in each term and special treatment programs. External contact with teachers and volunteer groups and receive teacher for instruction; prepare the monthly teacher’s per-hour charge form and open short-term skill class, and folklore therapy etc. to develop most suitable localized rehabilitation treatment courses.

Counselor for office duty and recreation activities—in charge of handling the management of official documents and property, establishment of books and forms, receiving and sending documents, and maintenance of website, submit the information of stopping rehabilitation penalty and undertake such activities as recreation and relatives visit, as well as the matters assigned by chief.




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