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Online Shopping

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-09-23
  • View count:189


1. Online Shopping was added to our service since Sep. 1, 2021 due to convenience for inmates or their family during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2. Instructions:

(1) Please fill out the information via Google Form precisely and make the payment before 12 P.M. on the day when your order is submitted. Make sure to write down your name in the remarks.

(2) If the goods are out of stock or you send the wrong amount of payment, we will adjust items of the order list to match your payment without notice.

(3) Please remit or transfer the payment to our account. 「006合作金庫商業銀行新店分行(分行代碼0060080),戶名:有限責任法務部矯正署新店戒治所消費合作社,帳號:0080717396956」The receipt will be sent to your email or you can retrieve it personally by contacting us.

(4) The maximum of the purchase is NT$2000 and the purchase is limited to once per day for each inmate. The payment you sent should NOT exceed NT$2000 and the purchase can NOT be made more than once a day for each inmate, or the order will be cancelled and refunded to you without notice.

(5) Priority will be given to applicants on site and their purchase will be made first for each inmate. The online order might be postpone until next day for the above reason. If the online order cannot be postponed for some special reasons, the order will be cancelled and refunded to you without notice.

(6) Due to lacking of applicant’s information or cancellation of online order, we will refund to you by remitting and the remittance fee will be deducted directly from your refund.

Please reach us by calling (02)8666-9711 if you have any questions. Google Form site: https://forms.gle/bfGeZ9UrXC9PPLzJ6 <https://forms.gle/bfGeZ9UrXC9PPLzJ6>

Google Form QR code

Thank you for your understanding.

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