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Reception Information

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-15
  • View count:2915

Location of Reception room

Location of Reception room

Flow chart of regular visit:


Flow chart of regular visit

Visit time:

Working days Monday throuth Firday The first Sunday of every month

8:30-11:00, 13.30-16:00

Special visiting days will put on notice in advance



Relatives and family members

(relatives including spouse direct-blood relatives, second-and-third-degree relatives, collateral relatives by blood second-degree relatives in law.)


Flow chart illustration:

1.Please fill up “visit, sending, and deposit form” first. Second, take a number and then follow the direction of the guiding light.

2.After call your number, please go to the “check-in” desk and follow the arrangement to the reception room.

3.You might ask the need of people whom you visit, and then fill up “shopping list form”.

4.After visit, you might go to co-op store and make a payment with your shopping list form or make a deposit with your deposit form.

Schedule your appointment:

1.Time for application:


(1)By phone: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 11am and 1:30pm to 4pm.

(2)In person: your appointment should make within 2 weeks before your visit and cannot make this appointment before you finish today’s visit.

(3)By internet: you can make your appointment no later than two days before your visit (before 3pm), and no earlier than 7days before your visit.

2.Procedure of application:

(1)By phone: please call(02)86666432ext.306

(2)In person: you can make this appointment in the check-in desk

(3)By internet: you can hit the green box below and follow the direction in the website.


appointed visiting


Details and notification:

regular visit

far-distance visiting


Please keep in mind with the following requirement:

1.Please carry your ID card or any certification which can prove your identity.

2.You have to pass the security check

3.Any communication device is prohibited. Please place them into the locker and secure your key.

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